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Mr J's Resources

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(based on 14 reviews)

Hello, I trained as an industrial designer, then found myself training as a D&T teacher (great choice!). I've been at it for nearly 20 years now. I was a subject leader for 10 years, leading one of only 10 schools in the country to be recognised by the SSAT as leading edge for D&T. I'm also a past recipient of the DATA annual awards for leadership. I am now in senior leadership, but still teach D&T to KS3,KS4 & KS5 weekly. All resources are well designed, and do what they say on the tin!




Hello, I trained as an industrial designer, then found myself training as a D&T teacher (great choice!). I've been at it for nearly 20 years now. I was a subject leader for 10 years, leading one of only 10 schools in the country to be recognised by the SSAT as leading edge for D&T. I'm also a past recipient of the DATA annual awards for leadership. I am now in senior leadership, but still teach D&T to KS3,KS4 & KS5 weekly. All resources are well designed, and do what they say on the tin!
D&T: Wooden laminated box project - year 7/8 (fully editable)

D&T: Wooden laminated box project - year 7/8 (fully editable)

A modern take on a classic woodwork project, creating a laminated curved lid pine box. This is a sequence of 7 lessons, each 2 hours long, with full powerpoint to accompany all learning. The lessons have a work booklet to complete, and also a modified version for SEND students. All resources are FULLY EDITABLE, in word or powerpoint format. You will need to install the font ‘Drafting’ (free download from dafont) There are extra step by step guide sheets to help too. Materials needed: 2 of 210mm x 70mm x 15mm pine, flexi/aero/bendy ply sheet and some thin normal ply. Outcomes are great, and there is significant learning throughout.
KS3: D&T - Drawing Skills (Crating, Primitives, Rendering, Isometric, Modelling, 2PP, Baseline Test)

KS3: D&T - Drawing Skills (Crating, Primitives, Rendering, Isometric, Modelling, 2PP, Baseline Test)

A KS3 project designed to be an induction year 7 project for all students. A ‘Baseline Test’ if you wish through practical means. Includes all presentations, booklet and scheme of learning mapped to PoS. Main focus of students: 1 - Introduction (and infographics) 2 - Sketching with crating 3 - Sketching with primitives 4 - Isometric Drawings 5 - Rendering in pastel with templates 6 - Moodboards and designer influences 7 - Pulling it all together. 8 - Foam Modelling 9 - More Foam Modelling 10 - 2 Point Perspective & Evaluations Editable powerpoints, and booklet enclosed (including differentiated version). Video on pastel rendering included. Drawing examples (not essential) are made in ‘artrage’.
GCSE D&T Options Assembly (editable)

GCSE D&T Options Assembly (editable)

Powerpoint for use during options process - fully editable, and included within is the freely available DATA video on “What is Design & Technology?” Presentation focuses on skills and jobs.
D&T KS3: Architecture (Structures, Materials, Design, CAD, Card modelling, Group presentation)

D&T KS3: Architecture (Structures, Materials, Design, CAD, Card modelling, Group presentation)

A KS3 project for either year 7 or year 8, with all presentations, booklet (including differentiated version) and scheme of learning mapped to PoS. Main focus of students: 1 - Investigate structure theory (tension / compression) through practical means and associated theory (CAD files included). 2 - Investigate material properties (wood, metal, composites). 3 - Design and then develop a small building for a school site (a stand alone study space). Initially individually, and then develop CAD models and card models as a small group. 3 - Present concept to rest of group, including ‘observation cards’ for presentations. Editable powerpoints and booklet enclosed.
KS5 D&T Theory #25: Designers and their work

KS5 D&T Theory #25: Designers and their work

A 30 slide PowerPoint covering all necessary designers for AQA A-level Design & Technology. Lesson begins with spaced retrieval questions, and a connect activity. It concludes with two exam questions with mark scheme. Each designer has a potted history, examples of their iconic products and key notes as to their styles.
D&T Cover Work: Isometric Drawing - Lego - D&T Workshop

D&T Cover Work: Isometric Drawing - Lego - D&T Workshop

A worksheet based on a Lego Mini Build of a D&T Workshop. Children are tasked with drawing up the photographed model in isometric. At the top of the page I have modeled this task in simple steps. To draw, use thick/thin lines, and then render the models should take around an hour per sheet. File enclosed is a printable PDF and accompanying jpeg. I have other sheets available in this series, or a compilation package too.
KS5 D&T Theory #22: Material Testing (in industry)

KS5 D&T Theory #22: Material Testing (in industry)

18 slide Powerpoint, including opening maths question (retrieval) and a connection question. Powerpoint then goes through the various tests (Tensile, Toughness, Hardness and then non destructive options - Ultrasound and Radiographic / X-rays). Each process covers key words, definitions, diagrams and videos of the tests in process. The lesson concludes with 2 exam questions (with mark scheme). This lesson is designed as a complimentary lesson to the one with identical name but “(in school)” at the end.
KS5 D&T Theory #23: Design for Maintenance, Repair and Disposal (& Disassembly)

KS5 D&T Theory #23: Design for Maintenance, Repair and Disposal (& Disassembly)

A 19 slide powerpoint, which covers all key information on Design for Maintenance, Repair and Disposal. 6 R’s, Upcycling, strategies for disassembly, design for durability etc. Lesson starts with spaced retrieval (maths this time), and consolidates with 2 exam questions (with mark scheme). Includes video, and practical session disassembling a mouse/keyboard (normally I find a broken one from ICT).
KS3: Hogwarts Castle (Graphics Project,  Laser Cutting, 2D Design, Nets, Card Modelling, Iterative)

KS3: Hogwarts Castle (Graphics Project, Laser Cutting, 2D Design, Nets, Card Modelling, Iterative)

A KS3 project for either year 8 or year 9, with all presentations, booklet and scheme of learning mapped to PoS. Main focus of students: 1 - Investigate nets through practical examples (laser files given) 2 - Design and then develop a draft net in thin card. 3 - Reflect on itterations, and then draw up a 2D design version, which can be laser cut. Editable powerpoints and booklet enclosed.
D&T Cover work: KS3 Mechanism Design

D&T Cover work: KS3 Mechanism Design

An A3 page cover task focussed on mechanims. The task is within the page, so it’s just as simple as printing and distributing. The task is aimed at KS3, but would also be fine for KS4 (with the expectation of them taking a more challenging design approach). Using some simple mechanisms, the children are tasked with designing a pull-along toy for a toddler. I use it with year 8+, but some Year 7 classes would be fine depending on knowledge. Mechanisms are shown on the page, and 4 worked examples are shown too to get them started. 1-2 hours of work.
NEA (Coursework / Controlled Assessment) Guides - KS4 & KS5

NEA (Coursework / Controlled Assessment) Guides - KS4 & KS5

2 Resources
Both the GCSE and A-level guides bundled together. Both are of the same matching style working with diagrams against clearly written student focussed helpful guidance. All within a printable (and editable) A5 booklet. The GCSE guide is a single booklet. The A-level one is broken down into 4 sub booklets as I’ve found that easier to use with older students. Written for AQA specifications, but very easily adaptable for OCR etc.
GCSE D&T Revision: Exam Question Countdown Calendar 2023 (AQA)

GCSE D&T Revision: Exam Question Countdown Calendar 2023 (AQA)

Every year I make a countdown calendar for year 11, which commences the day after Easter holidays (when the NEA is complete - or hopefully is!). It’s 3 sheets of A4 that I encourage them to pin up at home in the kitchen. Then I request that they answer one question every day whilst they are making their breakfast. It often inspires them to look deeper into the keywords which invariably brings about deeper revision elsewhere in their week. It’s always a success with the students. A printable PDF along with the original Powerpoint are included, so you can edit the questions. There is a theory slide in there too, (linked to the EEF research) that goes through the best revision methods in a D&T context. The questions are set up for the AQA exam, but the questions would work with any exam board!
KS4 D&T Theory: Knock Down Fittings

KS4 D&T Theory: Knock Down Fittings

8 Slide powerpoint covering the necessary elements of theory for AQA GCSE Design & Technology. Lesson has a starter question. The lesson also includes a practical activity investigating some fittings (you can make up some demos if desired - photos enclosed, and a CAD file for 3D printing some feet for an M8 bolt)
KS5 D&T Theory #21: Material Testing (in school)

KS5 D&T Theory #21: Material Testing (in school)

A 17 slide powerpoint covering material testing in readiness for NEA. This focusses on testing techniques you can easily do in school (tensile, hardness, toughness, energy (heat) transfer etc. Within the powerpoint are photographs and videos of each test taking place in the workshop (they are made by me - not just a youtube video). The theory works as a standalone presentation, but if you wanted to make your own testing rigs, I have made a few simple contraptions to make testing more controlled which are also shown in the powerpoint photos/videos in use - all 3 would be easy to make in any DT workshop in a few hours. There is an accompanying handout for recording any practical tests that students do. Always one of the favourite lessons of year 12, and they get to complete a piece of NEA in the process too! As with all my lessons, they come with a retrieval exercise to begin and relevant exam questions (with mark scheme) to conclude.
KS5 D&T Theory #2: Ergonomics

KS5 D&T Theory #2: Ergonomics

Powerpoint designed to cover the required theory for ergonomics. A long answer exam question is included, with built in planning element. 22 slides - lesson includes recall questions (on mini whiteboards) primarily on anthropometrics and then a connect image for discussion on ergonomics.
KS5 D&T Theory #9: Plastic Processes (Injection moulding, extrusion, thermoforming, vac forming etc)

KS5 D&T Theory #9: Plastic Processes (Injection moulding, extrusion, thermoforming, vac forming etc)

A 17 slide powerpoint covering all core knowledge required under this topic for AQA Design & Technology - Alevel. Slides include… Starter question on mini whiteboards - spaced retrieval Polymers & codes Vac forming Thermoforming Line bending Injection moulding Extrusion Blow moulding (HQ & LQ) Compression moulding Rotational Moulding Laminating Calendering Exam questions. A couple of external inks to Focus software are included on key slides (but you would need a subscription for them to work). They aren’t essential to the slides/lesson, just complimentary resources.
KS4/KS5: Alien Chairs (Designing a chair for an Alien, UCD, Card Modelling, Group - one hour lesson

KS4/KS5: Alien Chairs (Designing a chair for an Alien, UCD, Card Modelling, Group - one hour lesson

A silly one off lesson which takes around an hour. Works well for induction sessions. Lesson starts off with a deadpan question about if students saw the news? What follows are some slides to support a highly spurious tale about rockets being fired from the Isle of White into deep space, supported by some faked newspaper articles about aliens. It all comes down to a meeting is needed, and it will be in the O2 arena (The Millenium Dome as it’s visible from space), but what will they sit on? How do you design a chair for a creature you’ve never met? The lesson is designed to encourage interaction within groups of students who don’t know each other, and also raises some questions about user centered design. Pairs / Groups then present their ideas (with good evidence about where the tail goes). It lasts about an hour, brings a smile to the face, and engages students. Included is a powerpoint (and a pdf version too). There is no lesson plan, it somewhat ‘runs itself’ from the powerpoint.